Achieving gender equality and promoting diversity in the European Audiovisual sector

Final conference – November 2024

Achieving gender equality and promoting diversity in the European Audiovisual sector

Final conference – November 2024

Final conference – November 2024

Tuesday 19 November 2024, Brussels – Belgium

The conference is the last event of a 2-year project organised jointly by nine European social partners*, i.e. sector organisations representing workers (cast and crew, as well as journalists) and employers (commercial and public broadcasters, producers) in the audiovisual sector.

For many years already, the European social partners have been working together on the topic of gender equality. They signed a ‘Framework of Actions’ on gender equality in the European audiovisual sector in 2011, did a mapping exercise and published a Good Practices Handbook in 2020. At this occasion they started discussing diversity and inclusion in a broader perspective. They then decided to go a step further.

The overall objective of the current project is to improve the capacity of the industry to implement diversity and inclusion policies. Four roundtables were organised in the last two years, exploring the different dimensions of this important question: definitions and understandings, the pathways into the sector, diversity on screen, inclusive workplaces and work processes. Resources and reports form the roundtables are available on the project website.

The final conference will bring together experts and organisations identified across Europe in the course of the project. It will discuss the state-of-play on and off European screens and stimulate further reflections on the actions to be taken by audiovisual stakeholders, sector institutions and policymakers going ahead.

The event is fully booked but if you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please fill in the online registration form available here: Registration form



Simultaneous interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish

09:30    Registrations and coffee/tea

10:00    Welcome by European social partners

10:15    Setting the scene: Equality, Diversity + Inclusion in education

Emma Balfe, Dignity and Respect Officer
Institute of Art, Design + Technology, Ireland

10:45    Diversity and inclusion in film & tv

Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld
Actress, writer and singer, Founder & CEO
KLEUR in Film & TV

Weina Zhao & Anouk Shad
Founders/filmmakers, Gewächshaus BIPOC film network
Network from and for BIPOC filmmakers in the German-speaking area, Austria

Pascal Parsat
Author, expert Culture Handicaps
Audiens, France

Moderator: Sarah Diedro Jordão, DEIB consultant

12:00   Break

12:15   Diversity and inclusion in broadcasting

Estelle Ndjandjo
Spokeperson of AJAR Association des Journalistes Antiracistes et Racisé·e·s, France

Carmen Mudarra Vela
Adjunta a la Secretaría de Mujeres Comunicación y Diversidad

Safia Kessas
Journalist, Head of Diversity
RTBF, Belgium

Moderator: Sarah Diedro Jordão, DEIB consultant

13:30    Lunch break

15:00    Moving forward: From observation to action

Emilio Papamija
Audiovisual consultant and pedagogue specializing in diversity.
Collaborator with Intimact, Spain

15:30    Strategies, policies and actions that will bring change on and off screens

Tina Berdzenishvili
Director General, Georgian Public Broadcaster
Chair of the EBU Gender Equality Steering Group

Fanny De Casimacker
General Delegate
Collectif 50/50, France

Nedin Mutic
Senior advisor/DEI expert
Norwegian Film Institute

Moderator: Dearbhal Murphy, Deputy Secretary General, International Federation of Actors

16:45    Conclusions by European social partners

17:00   Meeting ends